Write for Us
This site warmly welcomes writers who are carrying a lot of medical knowledge regarding pregnancy, ovulation, and fertility in their minds. So if you are one of them, we are highly interested in hearing from you on the related topics. Come write for us and help us engage more audiences through your informative posts!
Our goal is quite straightforward. We are determined to assist women to know about their pregnancy test date, due date, ovulation calendar, fertility window, and many more stuff like that. You may go through our terms and conditions, the nature of posts we admire, and the style of writing as below:
Content That We Accept:
We appreciate content regarding following topics:
- Pregnancy
- Healthy foods and diets
- Periods
- Fertility and ovulation
What Style Should You Opt?
While writing for us, we recommend following the instructions below to make your post as informative as our audience want:
- Title must crispy and eye-catchy
- It must be carrying a Primary Keyword in it
- It should be a H1 Heading Tag
- You may also go through our site’s on-page content to get the idea
First Paragraph:
- The introductory paragraph must be engaging
- It should give an idea to our audience about what’s there in the article is for their information
- Try adding focus keyword in it at least once with proper intention
Content Body:
- Add organic information in your post
- Stick to the topic and explain briefly
- SEO quality compromisation is strictly prohibited! So try to use proper keywords in a generic way
- Make heading tags properly (H1, H2, H3, …)
- Add related images (infographics) if any
- Try splitting your article body into various short paragraphs
- It must be 100% unique (No Plagiarism!)
Things To Avoid:
Make sure your content does not contain any information regarding nudity, adult, gambling, or trading like topics.
Submission Criteria:
We accept only MS Word or Google Doc file link via email. Any other file format (ZIP) is not accepted.
Final Action:
Our editorial team will find whether your content hits their pitch or not. Once they are satisfied, we will be happy to paste your content on our webpage.
Thank You for your time and consideration!