Implantation Calculator

Enter either your ovulation date or last period date with length of menstrual cycle. The calculator will take moments to predict your implantation date and complete window.

Do you know your ovulation date?

Ovulation Date

Your Last Period

Menstrual Cycle Length

IVF Transfer Day (Optional)

Created By:

Emily Smith
Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Emily holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a renowned university. She continued her education with specialized courses in mathematics and data analytics.

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Verified By:



Adam holds a Master's degree in Public Health with a focus on reproductive health and epidemiology.Adam has worked closely with healthcare providers and policymakers to develop evidence-based strategies.

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Based on Research By: Gnoth, C.; Johnson, S. Stripes for HopesGeburtshilfe Frauenheilkd; July 2014

Note: This tool does not suggest any medical advice. It uses your past cycles to estimate ovulation, but cannot pinpoint the exact date. This tool is used for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The calculator is not to be considered to prevent pregnancy. The results generated by this calculator depend on menstrual cycle length that might vary from woman to woman. If there’s any medical or health emergency, you have to make an immediate visit to your DOCTOR.

Implantation calculator predicts possible dates on which the embryo may travel inside the uterus lining and start developing into a fetus. Get to know when you should expect a missing period and a positive implanting pregnancy test.


Implantation is a medical condition during which the male sperm combines with the female egg in any of the two fallopian tubes. From this combination, the zygote is formed which then travels down the tube and transforms into a morula. And when this morula reaches the uterus, it becomes a blastocyst.

When Does Implantation Occur?

Implantation happens at least 6 to 10 days after ovulation. But that’s not the exact answer either. The reason is the ovulation date that keeps on changing every month due to irregular menstrual cycle lengths (21-35 days). 

The implantation calculator gives you a precise idea of the implantation window so you may plan your pregnancy accordingly and increase your chances of conception.

How Does Implantation Calculator Work?

Our implantation bleeding calculator functions to give you the implantation date and other related results by providing a couple of inputs that include:

What To Enter?

  • If you know your ovulation date, enter it into the related field
  • If you do not know it, you may enter your last menstrual period date
  • Enter IVF Day if you know (Optional)

What Do You Get?

  • Implantation Calendar: You will get a detailed implantation chart that entails the following values related to implantation:  
    • Days Past Ovulation
    • Corresponding Implantation probabilities
    • Ovulation dates correspondingly

How To Calculate Implantation Date?

Now there are two different conditions that help you get the answer to the query. These include:

If You Know Your Recent Previous Ovulation Date:

In this case, you need to add 6 to 10 days to your past ovulation date to know your implantation window.

For example;

Suppose your menstruation calendar comprises 28 days and ovulation happens on the 15th day of the cycle. Then adding 6 to 10 days to 15 will give you a timeframe during which implantation chances for you will be at peak.

This way, your implantation will occur during the 21st to 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

If You Are Not Aware of Your Ovulation Date:

In this case, you need to calculate the ovulation date first and then move further to estimating your implantation date. To calculate the ovulation date:

  • Note down the first day of your last period
  • Add the cycle length in it (The average cycle length varies between21-35 days)
  • After that, subtract 14 from it to get your ovulation date

You must be thinking where did the number 14 come from? Let us tell you. The period is known as the Luteal Phase, a window during which the body prepares itself for pregnancy. This phase starts just after the ovulation day.

For example;

If your period started on the 8th of your last menstrual cycle which comprises 28 days, then we have;

Ovulation date = 8 + 28 - 14 = 22nd day of menstrual cycle

How To Know If Implantation Was Successful?

Implantation success depends upon the pregnancy. To know if your implantation was successful, you need to look after it if you miss your period. When you miss it, chances are higher than you are expecting. A few other symptoms include:

Implantation Bleeding:

During the first week of pregnancy, you may or may not bleed. If this happens, then the quantity of blood excretion will be minimal and its color will also be faded.

Mood Swings:

During pregnancy, the hormonal levels of women fluctuate which gives rise to changes in mood.


Almost every other woman feels fatigued during implantation.

Breast Tenderness:

You may experience tenderness and soreness in your breasts during the early weeks of pregnancy.


Due to changes in the female reproductive system during pregnancy, they might feel a little bloating that can be disturbing as well.

If you estimate your implantation date with the implantation calculator and sexually meet with your partner, then chances for maximum implantation success are at peak.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I Notice Implantation or Not?

Not exactly! You may experience light bleeding, cramping, and bloating during the implantation window but doctors do not consider it exactly the implantation. These mood swings could be due to the early pregnancy or period.

How Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last?

The time span for implantation bleeding varies from a few hours to a few days. In rare cases, it can last for more than three days. Know your implantation dates with our DPO calculator so that you may adopt precautions before reading the bleeding phase.

What Does DPO Mean?

DPO stands for ‘Days Past Ovulation’, which means how many days after you ovulate.

During ovulation, the egg travels to the uterine tube after 12-24 hours where it meets with the sperm and implants in the uterus lining. The phenomenon happens between 6-10 days and is known as DPO.

How Many Days After Implantation Are You Pregnant?

6-12 Days! After this, a woman will have implantation bleeding. After the 7th day, the hormone level in the urine (hCG) increases which confirms your pregnancy. A general approach to verifying conception is taking a test if your menstrual cycle is late.